About 300 people attended the opening of the MatriArchiv. Only rarely so many people met in the Cantonal Library Vadiana. After the lecture by Christina Schlatter in the concert hall, the guests visited the library. The rooms filled with bright colors and multi-lingual voices and the guests enjoyed the evening in the Matriarchatsbibliothek.
Opening during the Conference on matriarchy, Friday May 13, 2011
Lecture by Christina Schlatter at the Tonhalle St.Gallen
Speech (PDF-file, german) and PowerPoint Presentation (PDF-file)
On the way to the MatriArchiv in the Cantonal Library Vadiana, St.Gallen
Canton librarian’s welcome speech by Cornel Dora and Heide Goettner-Abendroth
Welcome by Cornel Dora (PDF-file) and Speech by Heide Göttner-Abendroth (PDF-file)
The guests crowded into the rooms of the library
The aperitif is ready
Books and figures of the artist Ruth Morant in the MatriArchiv
Browse in the library and browse through the books
Encounters and conversations in the MatriArchiv
Photographs by Andrea Schlund (Foto AS), and Renate Fuchs (Foto RF). Copyright © International Academy HAGIA.
Other photos were taken by Andreas Dreissger.