Heide Goettner-Abendroth:
Societies of Peace. Matriarchies Past, Present, and Future
Societies of Peace: Matriarchies Past, Present, and Future celebrates women’s largely ignored and/or invisible contribution to culture by exploring matriarchal societies that have existed in the past and that continue to exist today in certain parts of the world. Matriarchal societies, primarily shaped by women, have a non-violent social order in which all living creatures are respected without the exploitation of humans, animals, or nature. They are well-balanced and peaceful societies in which domination is unknown and all beings are treated equally. This book presents these largely misunderstood societies, both past and present, to the wider public, as alternative social and cultural models that promote trust, mutuality, and abundance for all.
Annine van der Meer:
The language of MA the primal mother. The evolution of the female image in 40,000 years of global Venus
This book is the first pioneering study of global ‘Venuses’ who are part of an ancient and contemporary art traditionally called ‘Venus Art’, the art of the primal mother(s), the art of the female ancestors. Venus Art reflects the consciousness of egalitarian societies of peace in which women and feminine values play or have played a central role, in which MA or the MATER or MOTHER and the primal mothers of the clan are central.
To date, Venus Art has been misunderstood, neglected and not integrally researched. The art has become eroticised and sexualised. The purpose of this book is to rehabilitate Venus Art. Venus is no pin-up or sex idol. She is a manifestation of the divine Mother MA. This innovative view of Venus Art can significantly contribute to the dismantling of our history that does not include women. Feminine art is demonstrably in the majority in Palaeolithic and Neolithic cultures and in some present-day indigenous peoples. The time is ripe for a new art historical approach in which the contribution of woman to evolution is reclaimed.
Heide Göttner-Abendroth:
Die Göttin und ihr Heros. Die matriarchalen Religionen in Mythen, Märchen, Dichtung.
Dieses Buch bietet eine Rekonstruktion der verdrängten, verdeckten und vergessenen matriarchalen Religionen und Spiritualität. Der matriarchale Hintergrund der Göttinnengestalten, die in indischen, persischen, westasiatischen, ägyptischen, griechischen, keltischen und germanischen Mythen vorkommen, wird durch eine vergleichende und patriarchatskritische Analyse wiedergewonnen; die Gestalten werden aus ihrem eigenen kulturellen Zusammenhang erklärt. Darauf aufbauend wird gezeigt, wie die Symbol- und Handlungsmuster der matriarchalen Religionen und Spiritualität in den internationalen Märchen weiterleben. Anschließend wird anhand von großen Epen des europäischen Mittelalters nachgewiesen, dass auf dem Boden von Mythologie und Märchen die Struktur der matriarchalen Religionen zur Grundlage von poetischen Stoffen europäischer Dichtung wird. Der große Einfluss sehr alter matriarchaler Denkformen auf unsere Kultur wird dadurch sichtbar. Dies wiederzuentdecken bedeutet, einen wesentlichen Teil unserer verschütteten Kulturgeschichte zurückzugewinnen.