The stock of books, magazines, films and sound recordings in the Cantonal Library Vadiana is growing. Currently there are around 3,000 titles. Other titles will be presented in the DenkBar and continuously updated.
Here you can find the current list of publications in the online catalog of the Cantonal Library Vadiana: Current list of publications in MatriArchiv
The books can be reserved in the catalog directly and be picked up at the counter. The publications are sorted by year. Scroll with the button “Nächste Seite” (Next Page) in the list. By clicking on an underlined title go to the full record.
How to borrow the books is explained here: Information on Loan
We also provide lists to browse or print in PDF format:
List of publications in the MatriArchiv according to topics
(November 2023, PDF-file)
List of publications in the MatriArchiv according to authors
(November 2023, PDF-file)
List of publications in the DenkBar
(November 2023, PDF-file)