The aim is to build a collection of studies in the field of matriarchy. This collection shall be accessible to researchers and all persons with social-political questions. The collection is creating a basis for further research projects and for the development of new perspectives on society.
The archive collection is international; books and media are available in the main world languages, as well as translated copies of some individual works.
Content-related criteria
Research on matriarchy is an interdisciplinary science. It investigates on matrilinear, matrifocal and matriarchal societies in their past as well as in their present form. This includes especially works from the following scientific subjects:
- Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Ethnology
- Art and Literature
- Research on Mythology
- (Palaeo) Linguistics
- Philosophy
- Religious Studies
- Social-psychology
- Sociology
- Research of Symbols
- Ethnic Studies
- Research of Folklore etc.
Studies of traditional and modern studies of matriarchy are fundamentally important as well as studies concerning criticism on patriarchy. The library can purchase documents of all related areas if there is a special relevance to the topic of matriarchy and if there are not yet available in the Frauenbibliothek Wyborada (Women’s Library Wyborada, St. Gallen).